Monday, June 23, 2008

Curious Case of Benjamin Button Poster

Here below the official posters of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, upcoming movie starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett:
(Click on a poster to enlarge it.)

Brad Pitt - Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button Movie Poster

The poster featuring Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button is the real one: the mirror effect is hinting at the plot of the movie with Benjamin Button aging backward.

Some new gorgeous posters of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button have shown up:
(Click on a poster to enlarge it.)
Write me a postcard, write me a postcard from everywhere... - The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonYou're different from anybody I ever met... - The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonWe are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss. - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
We're meeting in the middle... we finally caught up with each other... - The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonShe was pretty as any picture to me... - The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonYou never know what's coming for you... - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Can you imagine, he wrote me a postcard from everywhere he went... - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett are really great in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.


freQazoidiac said...

that poster is horrible, and is just a self promotion for pitt and blanchette.. hollywood is sucking more and more. Boycott these fat cats and go for indie and THOUGHT provoking films. The poster says nothing about the film and looks like a freaking perfume ad in a magazine like Details. BORING..who's getting paid for design these days? they sure are not breaking any new ground!