Friday, May 23, 2008

Benjamin Button First Trailer

The first trailer of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has shown up. It's actually some international trailer in Spanish, but not that much dialogue: nonetheless a really interesting trailer showing Benjamin Button getting younger from his birth to later on in his life... Isn't that weird, I mean positively weird?

Here below the first Benjamin Button trailer:

I was born under unusual circumstances.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

The movie is starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. Lucky Brad Pitt, always surrounded by pretty and clever women!

If you're wondering about the Benjamin Button soundtrack you may hear in the trailer, it's Aquarium from 'The Carnival of the Animals' by French composer Camille Saint Saëns (1835- 1921). You may listen again to the section Aquarium here below:

I hope the whole soundtrack of Benjamin Button will be as great: it perfectly matches the plot and emphasizes the (feeling of) weirdness of the story F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

That was one of the most interesting looking trailers I've ever seen!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's an arrangement of Aquarium (since the original has no words) done by the English boys' group Libera, it's actually their song Lacrymosa.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kelsie! Libera's music is absolutely gorgeous, and I was THRILLED to hear them in the ad that ran during the OLYMPICS!